I believe that the concept of humanitarianism is a very noble one, but I think it is rarely found on a day to day basis. We would all like to think that in certain circumstances that we would step in to help someone in need, but generally speaking as a society I think there is too little of this type of action. I feel that American regard themselves as a kindly, charitable people. I just don’t agree that we are always ready to come to the aid of the less fortunate or the underdog. I feel in too many cases out of either fear for our own safety, embarrassment of what others may think, or too busy with our own lives and problems, we just don’t act when we see an instance in which someone may need help. How many times have you driven past someone in need of help on the highway and done nothing. Or possibly seen someone treat a child in an abusive manner and done nothing. Maybe even walked past a homeless person and completely ignored them and purposely looked in the opposite direction to avoid looking at them. In these instances we may think that something should be done, but for the most part we seldom act on this feeling. So I would have to say that I think we are a society of having compassion at a distance, but very rarely allow ourselves to get close enough to actually be of any great help.
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